Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Stuff of Life

Life is made up of so much stuff! That’s what was running through my mind as I dealt with some of the contents of my deal-with-it box. I never feel like I have it all together. There’s always something that’s being neglected or mishandled, stuff I’ve messed up, and stuff I’ve never even tried because I feel overwhelmed and scared. I’ve run extreme ideas through my head about how I could simplify my life in pursuit of inner peace: give away all my money, strip the chaotic jumble of colorful artwork and decoration off my walls, get rid of at least half my clutter of stuff.
       But that’s not how you find peace.
       Why do we worry and stress about stuff? I wondered as I walked through the woods with the dog. Is every moment of worry a moment of not fully trusting God?
       This familiar verse from Philippians 4 seems to say so:
       Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
       If I don’t trust Him when I’m surrounded by clutter and overwhelmed by a thousand tasks, I won’t trust Him in a spartan room alone on a desert island, either.
       Yes, there may be some things I could change in order to live more effectively, but those changes will never really effect my heart. The heart is where Christ must rule, and His peace must moderate all the arguments going on inside me.
       Surrender comes before peace.
       There is a huge difference between surrender and fleeing. Fleeing is turning away. Surrender is turning toward. Many of my own attempts to organize my life just turn into running away from what I don’t want to take responsibility for. But surrender is lifting my hands, admitting I can’t do it, owning my mistakes, and saying, “Lord, I’m done.”

       And that’s where the peace is at.

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